jeudi 4 octobre 2012

The Country of Harry Potter

So, after such a long time without writing anything, I’m back to tell you about the amazing country of Harry Potter ( by the way, I’m reading the new J.K. Rowling, A Casual Vacancy… great !). Remember, I told you about Durham’s Cathedral and the joy it had been for me to discover it was one of the places used in the movies (Come on Emma, you’re teasing, it can’t be true!), but yes it was!!! And there I was, 10 days after I arrived in England, strolling in the corridors of Hogwarts! Then every time I went there, it was stronger than me, I had to go in the cathedral. I’m sure you can imagine how happy and excited I was ( and if you don’t like Harry Potter, just imagine yourself driving a flying Delorean are being part of the fellowship of the Ring :P), I felt like a child when I saw the place, but I got even more excited later: a man offered us have a look inside a room, which was the classroom of Professor Minerva McGonagall! :D

In October 2011, I went to Asda, as I did twice a week. It was the day the dvds of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 were on sale. Guess who was there, at the entrance of the shop? Nope, it’s not J.K. Rowling; nope, not Daniel Radcliffe (by the way, I would have preferred Matthew Lewis J ); it was a owl! A real one! I was used to having my camera everywhere I went, except when I went shopping… too bad for me L But it was fun- very surprising, but fun 

The first weekend of December, I went to the Christmas fair in Durham. I went to the mass, first because I like to go to church in the towns I go to, second because I wanted to know what it was to sing and prey in such a terrific cathedral. Then, on the fair, I met Dumbledore and one of his colleague ( true story). They were selling spoons which looked like magic wands – of course, I bought several of these!

At the beginning of December, a week after Durham’ Christmas fair, thanks to the money I managed to spare ( and it’s really hard for a spendthrift like me), I went to Edinburgh. I had ever been to Edinburgh when I was 13, and I felt the magic of the place again. It’s weird to feel home in this city because I have never lived there, but that’s the way I feel when I’m there. I’ll talk about Edinburgh later, I have so many things to say about it! Just mentioned it because that’s the place where the magic started… we all know the story: a single mother, who did not have much money, taking care of her daughter Jessica, sitting at a table in The Elephant House… I found the café unexpectedly, when I was on my way to the National Museum. I felt as if I could actually touch magic J

Later, in March, I went to London to celebrate St Patrick’s day with French friends, two of them living in London, one in Hamburg (Germany), and one (my boyfriend J ) from Paris. Actually, to go to London, I had to take the train for about three hours, and my boyfriend had three hours as well with the train to Paris and then the Eurostar. Perfect timing J And in London, obviously, what do you do when you go there ( except that you spend half of your salary in one weekend)? Of course you get a picture of you on your way to the platform 9 ¾!!!

In April, I also travelled to York, first to visit the town, but also because I've been told about the train museum in which there is... THE HOGWARTS EXPRESS :D

Last, but not least, the last weekend I spent in the UK, I was with my friend Val and her daughter Lizzie, who was two years older than me, and we went to Alnwick Castle. I wanted to visit something great for the very last weekend as a French Language Assistant, but I wasn’t expecting something so cool. If you don’t know Alnwick Castle, go there! It’s really impressive, medieval style outside, Renaissance inside-there is even furniture from the castle of Versailles! But the best for me ( I know, Julie here, Julie there- hey, that’s my blog!) so I mean, the best for someone who is fond of Harry Potter was the Quidditch lesson! I know it wasn’t real (or was it? o_O) but I had really good fun riding a broom (and I wasn’t the only adult if that’s what you’re wondering ;) )

                                                                 Impressive, isn't it? :)

The teachers and I (cool guys!)

So, if you like Harry Potter, or simply if you want to discover something new, just travel from London to Edinburgh J

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